Thursday, February 16, 2017

Cassidy Johnson BFA: Essay

Cassidy Johnson
Art Education Emphasis

I have an ongoing interest in the complex and unique nature of the human being. This is why I include people in my art. I want my subjects to tell their story or make a statement about human nature and the human condition.
An example of this concept is my relief print titled, "Life of a College Student." In this woodblock, a Buddha-like figure sits under a cave of abstract shapes while lines seep out from a chaotic mess above. I have sought to intensify the emotive quality of this work, allowing viewers to insert themselves into the Buddha’s place as they reflect on the image as a whole. The Buddha is relatively genderless and seems to echo a sense of human spirituality. The colors are intended to heighten the emotions from the piece and strengthen its mysticism.
Another example of this is the letterpress print, "Self-Portrait." In this image, an intricate mass of swirls and abstract shapes surrounds the girl's face and asks the question of whether she is being drawn into the mass or emerging from it. The abstract lines and shapes give the image an organic, chaotic feel and contrast with the more delicate lines and soft gradient in her face. This image is intended to be thought provoking and invite its viewer to ponder upon the human psyche and emotion.
 I have been influenced by Amy Elkins, a contemporary photographer who specializes in portraiture. She uses psychological elements to disclose her subjects' personal life and reference social culture and gender issues. I love how she invites the viewer to develop a more intimate relationship with the person in the photo than would be possible otherwise, granting the viewer access to their life. Each person depicted tells a different story and makes an emotional connection with the viewer. It is this emotional connection I hope to create.
As I move forward, I want to be able to better utilize the human image in my artwork. I would like to delve into deeper concepts concerning humankind, psychology, anthropology, and make better use of storytelling. I think studying Art Education will help me grow as an artist and allow me to share my love of art with others and help facilitate creativity in them. As an Art Education major, I believe I can build upon and nurture my understanding of human nature and the human condition.


1 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Trapped

Label: "Trapped", Charcoal, 24 x 18", self-directed, 2014-2017 (started 2014, finished 2017)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Still Life 2

Label: "Still Life 2"; Oil Paint; 20 x 16"; Painting 1--For this class, we were to paint an underpainting in a single session using a rag; 2017

3 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Balance

Label: "Balance"; Ink; 10 x 15";
Introduction to Printmaking--For this assignment, we experimented with relief printmaking techniques and learned how to combine two plates to make a single image; 2016

4 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Life of a College Student

Label: "Life of a College Student"; Ink; 11 x 12.9";
Introduction to Printmaking--We experimented with woodblock printmaking and learned how to use a blend roll and how to align a key plate on a colored background; 2016

5 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Self-Portrait

Letterpress Digital Halftone
Label: "Self-Portrait"; Digital; 11 x 8.5"; Intermediate Printmaking--For this assignment, we explored the letterpress process; 2017

6 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Lithography Sketch (Print in Progress)

Label: "Lithography Sketch"; Graphite; 8.62 x 6";
Intermediate Printmaking--For this project, we are exploring the lithography process; 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

7 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Historic Pot

Label: "Historic Pot"; Ceramic; 17.25" tall and up to 10.5" wide;
Introduction to Ceramics--For this project, we were to replicate a historic piece of pottery via coil construction and slip decoration; 2016

8 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Globeware

Label: "Globeware"; Ceramic; 8.25" tall and up to 4" wide;
Introduction to Ceramics--For this project, we created a small, coil-constructed vase that had a carved element and block coloring; 2016

Monday, February 13, 2017

9 Cassidy Johnson BFA: Conference Program



Label: "Conference Program"; Digital; 11 x 8.5" pages;
Typography and Publication Design--For this project, we were required to make a conference program and have unity and variety in the designs of each page; 2016

Cassidy Johnson BFA: Identification Document

Identification Document
24 x 18"
2014-2017 (started 2014, finished 2017)
"Still Life 2"
Oil Paint
20 x 16"
 Painting 1—For this class, we were to paint an underpainting in a single session using a rag.
10 x 15";
Introduction to Printmaking—For this assignment, we experimented with relief printmaking techniques and learned how to combine two plates to make a single image.
"Life of a College Student"
11 x 12.9"
Introduction to Printmaking—We experimented with woodblock printmaking and learned how to use a blend roll and how to align a key plate on a colored background.
11 x 8.5"
Intermediate Printmaking—For this assignment, we explored the letterpress process.
"Lithography Sketch"
8.62 x 6"
Intermediate Printmaking: For this project, we are exploring the lithography process.
"Historic Pot"
17.25" tall and up to 10.5" wide
Introduction to Ceramics—For this project, we were to replicate a historic piece of pottery via coil construction and slip decoration.
8.25" tall and up to 4" wide
Introduction to Ceramics—For this project, we created a small, coil-constructed vase that had a carved element and block coloring.
"Conference Program"
11 x 8.5" pages
Typography and Publication Design—For this project, we were required to make a conference program and have unity and variety in the designs of each page.